Saturday 19 May 2012

Into Colour

Still getting my head around using after effects, just figured key framing out, so I'm only using basic techniques at the moment.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Panorama in Motion

Using After Effects in ADOBE for the first time using the panorama from the previous project. Going from black and white to colour.  

Still trying to get my head around the program, first sort of experiment. Maybe explore from this?

Monday 30 April 2012

The Beginning and the End of the Panorama

So I finally finished the panorama after slaving away. 
Possibly if I continue with this, or if I have enough time, I might do a transition from the wilderness to the city. 
Or another idea was to cut up the images into slits and have a sequence between the wilderness and the urban landscape.

I was thinking of presenting this as a screen piece. I took an image from Time Out website of a gallery space called 'Screen Space'

I tried to paste my own image into other gallery spaces, but i couldn't really get the angle right ect. so I just gave up. 
A space I was considering was the Ian Potter Gallery at Melbourne University.